====== Character Generation ====== Character generation in Education is very simple. Just work through the following steps, then email the character or any questions to us at [[gm@education.chaosdeathfish.com]] - Pick a name. - Allocate 3 terms between the various [[Departments]], whether that's putting all 3 terms into Battle Magic, spending 1 term in Alchemy, Natural Magic and Vitamancy, or anything in between. Each term allows you to choose a specialisation from that faculty’s list. - Pick a name for your [[magic|spell]], and 3 short statements about about what it does. - What's your hobby? - What's your character's personal goal at uni? What would make this game for you? - Where did you come from and how did you come to University? - Tell us if you wish to substitute emails and turnsheets for intrigue. More details [[:game_logistics#shift_sensitive|here]]. OC: We plan on sorting players into houses after characters are sent in. If for some reason there's a house you really don't want to be in, or other issues such as linking characters, please let us know.